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frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the frequent questions that you will surely ask before visiting the blog, if you stop a few minutes to read them, many of your doubts will disappear.

1.What am I going to find in

In you will find simple recipes with a medium-low difficulty level, prepared with real food, avoiding the most processed products. Healthy cooking available to everyone.

2 Who is this blog for?

This space is aimed at all those people who consciously want to take care of their food without sacrificing the pleasure it represents, but do not have much time to cook. I would like to show that even so, you can, because feeding is much more than satisfying hunger.

3 Does this blog offer nutritional advice?

No, in any case. In this blog I share recipes and tricks to feed you correctly, but if by any particular physical condition you are disoriented when it comes to setting your menus, you should consult a health professional, be it a dietitian-nutritionist or your doctor.

4 What kind of cuisine will I find in

Mainly Mediterranean cuisine, which includes Spanish and some recipes from the eastern Mediterranean, recipes from other parts of Spain and many recipes with clear influence of American cuisine.

As for the type of dishes, there are appetizers, snacks, mains, desserts and a section of basic, simple preparations that can not miss in your pantry. You will also find recipes of 4 and 6 ingredients, easier impossible!

5. Do you share LOW CARB / KETO recipes?

Yes, on this page you will find a wide variety of recipes that fit in a low carbohydrate diet (LowCarb) and a ketogenic diet (Keto). They are delicious and low-carb recipes, which you can include in your regular recipe book. Usually tagged with the hashtag #lowcarb or #keto to make it easier to find them.

6 Can I find recipes Paleo?

Yes, although I do not follow a diet Paleo As the term is understood, I admit that this type of food has many advantages and I take advantage of them, that is why you will find recipes that can be labeled as such.

7 Can I find vegan and / or vegetarian recipes?

Yes, in you will find both vegan recipes and vegetarian recipes, and in most of them I indicate how to adapt them by changing some ingredients or simply avoiding them.

8 Are all recipes sugar-free?

This point must be made clear, in my recipes I do not use refined sugar, neither white nor brown, nor do I use panela, syrups or honey.

I usually sweeten my recipes with other healthier sweeteners like erythritol, stevia, birch sugar, (also known as xylitol), lucuma and coconut sugar, they are characterized by having a low glycemic index, but still you will see that I always add them in discrete quantities, since it is not convenient to abuse them.

In some recipes I recommend the use of some fresh or dried fruits that provide sweetness without adding other sweeteners.

9 Are the recipes low in fat?

Not necessarily. In my recipes there are usually healthy fats, some of the ingredients rich in fat that I usually consume are avocado, coconut and other products such as coconut oil.

The nuts are essential in my kitchen, (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecan nuts, pistachios, etc), are also frequent blue fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna).

As for dairy, although I eat them more occasionally, I like them whole, Greek yogurt, skyr and kefir are some of my favorites as well as aged cheeses, fresh milk and butter.

10 Where can I find the necessary ingredients?

In my recipes I try to use fresh seasonal products and if possible proximity. The ingredients I use are mainly vegetables, all kinds of vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds, meats, fish and eggs.

Most of the ingredients I use in my recipes are available in markets and supermarkets, however there are some products that are only sold in specialized stores in healthy food or herbalists.

11 Is it very expensive to elaborate this type of recipes?

No, most ingredients are within everyone's reach, fresh products, if they are seasonal, usually have a lower price than the rest of the year and that circumstance must be taken advantage of.

It is true that some of the products I buy in herbalists have a higher price, but if you take into account their performance and the benefits they bring to our health compared to other products in common use, I assure you that it is worth it.


